C-section correction

A not insignificant reason for surgical revision of the abdomen concerns cesarean section, which can complicate at various levels: cutaneous, subcutaneous, musculaponeurotic, and endoabdominal.

At the skin level, one of the main defects of cesarean sections is the scar , which can have an irregular or hypertrophic appearance being defined as dysmorphic or keloid, respectively.

At the subcutaneous level in cesarean section outcomes there is often scar retraction resulting in the so-called c-section pouch, which is particularly noticeable standing up.

At the muscle-aponeurotic level there can be structural failure (laparoceles).

Finally, at the endoabdominal level, the presence of adhesions is frequently encountered, in some cases asymptomatic and in other cases symptomatic and determining adhesion syndrome.

When faced with a cesarean section, it is good to consider all of these aspects, both aesthetic and clinical, for a fully resolving approach.

Surface surgery will be used to treat the cosmetic aspects, while an endoabdominal approach will be used to treat any adhesions .

We generally treat these together with any abdominal wall defects during the same operating session.

Via Michelangelo Buonarroti 48, 20145 Milano MI
Via Aurelia 559, 00165 Roma RM
8 Avenue Camille Blanc, 06240 Beausoleil, Francia

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