diastasis recti Self-Assessment

So many people feel the need for self-assessment for the diastasis recti

Many people feel the need for self-assessment for diastasis recti for a quick response even before an actual visit. This can be helpful but not a substitute for the final medical opinion.

Self-evaluation of diastasis recti, body position and ideal environment

It is good to perform the diastasis recti self-assessment in a quiet environment with adequate lighting, the subject should be lying on the floor (gym mat useful).

It is necessary to expose the entire abdomen by avoiding clothing such as sweatshirts or sweaters obstructing vision.

A commonmistake is to perform the test in one's bed. In fact, the spine and pelvis need to find rigid support during movement, and the bed is not the appropriate location.

Self-evaluation of diastasis recti, movements to be performed

Starting from the resting condition fully lying down with the head resting on the floor Raise the legs slightly while keeping them together and rigid without bending the knees.

Holding the (rather strenuous) position, one might notice the eversion improperly referred to by some as the "fin."

This deformity visible under stress is nothing but the effect of increased intraabdominal pressure on the area of weakness caused by the pathology.

Also frequent to find umbilical eversion suggestive of hernia at that site.

By returning to the resting condition, the deformity will disappear but by resting the hand(look at pictures), an area of sagging could be perceived where under stress the deformity was noticeable.

On either side of this area of yielding, it is common to perceive the two edges of the rectus muscles with the sensation of "two tracks."

It is useless to venture assessments (in fingers ) of maximum muscle distance IRD (Inter Recti Distance), this finding must be measured precisely, topographically at the examination.

In subjects with thin panniculus adiposus, self-assessment is more reliable .

A thick adipose layer, on the other hand, frequently masks any defect , making self-assessment of diastasis less reliable.

Via Michelangelo Buonarroti 48, 20145 Milano MI
Via Aurelia 559, 00165 Roma RM
8 Avenue Camille Blanc, 06240 Beausoleil, Francia

Diastasis recti, Robotic surgery, the most modern technique in the most experienced hands. Dr. Antonio Darecchio has the largest international case history in robotic reconstruction for rectus abdominis diastasis and hernia. Look at the beauty of the results!

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