Diastasis cryolipolysis and diastasis recti

Cryolipolysis what is it

Cryolipolysis is a nonsurgical treatment of theabdomen designed to reduce superficial panniculus adiposus fat.

It is based on a heat shock that cools adipocytes and causes their degeneration .

A critical point of treatment is the inevitable difficulty in treating the large surface area of the abdominal wall evenly.

In fact, the machine's probe has a modest, rectangular surface that is ill-suited to the shape of the abdomen with its natural prominences and depressions.

Cryolipolysis indications, contraindications, and possible side effects

Cryolipolysis is proposed as a nonsurgical alternative to liposuction in the case of specific localized, superficial panniculus adiposus.

In our experience, we definitely prefer liposuction to cryolipolysis to evenly and effectively treat the abdominal panniculus adiposus, let's see why.

Although the treatment is non-surgical, it is not without possible trauma; the probe acts in a vacuum (pulling the abdominal wall considerably) .

Because of possible traumatic injuries there is contraindication to cryolipolysis in cases of abdominal distasis. In fact, the abdominal wall at the midline is very thin and fragile.

A rare but possible side effect then of cryolipolysis is. Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia PAH (Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia), where the fat stimulated by the treatment instead of shrinking hypertrophies and increases in the medium and long term.

This causes in the treated area,, a visible, inflamed and unsightly area of permanent relief that will need to be corrected with liposuction.

Finally, skin lesions such as low-temperature burns and depigmentation may occur.

Cryolipolysis is absolutely to be avoided close to abdominal reconstructive surgeries, as it can ruin their course due to the traumatism and deformation that the abdominal part takes on once under suction.

Via Michelangelo Buonarroti 48, 20145 Milano MI
Via Aurelia 559, 00165 Roma RM
8 Avenue Camille Blanc, 06240 Beausoleil, Francia

Diastasis recti, Robotic surgery, the most modern technique in the most experienced hands. Dr. Antonio Darecchio has the largest international case history in robotic reconstruction for rectus abdominis diastasis and hernia. Look at the beauty of the results!

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